Photography, Printmaking, Painting & Sculpting

    Portfolio 3
 Here are a few NEW prints of Asia, Europe, and the the United States  that I have shown since the 2008 Festival in Warren County.  Contact me at
if I can show you more subjects. 

Also see Portfolio 4 for 2009 , 2010 and 2011 images.
Thanks,  Ken


 "Nature Extensions"

Alaska. Shown in Warren County Festival of Arts, 2009. 

 (The fallen tree limb draws your eye toward the glaciers that are also falling.)

 "Seals of Approval"

Exhibited in the Warren County
Festival of the Arts, Lebanon,
Ohio, 2009

(In this moment in time, a small seal is trying to get up on the buoy, but several larger seals have not given approval as indicated by their teeth.)

 "More than 2 People"

Exhibited in the Warren County
Festival of the Arts, Lebanon,
Ohio, 2009

(A picture of 2 people taking a picture of themselves can be the best picture of 4 people)


Exhibited in the Warren County
Festival of the Arts, Lebanon,
Ohio, 2009

(A Buddha looking over the beautiful lanterns creates a
peaceful scene.)

"Date Layers"

Exhibited in the Warren County
Festival of the Arts, Lebanon,
Ohio, 2009

(The layers of palm, dates, and palm make this scene in Croatia simple yet elegant)

"City Lite"

Exhibited in the Warren County
Festival of the Arts, Lebanon,
Ohio, 2009

(I couldn't resist the connection between the bright beer can advertisement  and City "Lite" in Hong Kong.

"Wheel Perspectives"

Exhibited in the Warren County
Festival of the Arts, Lebanon,
Ohio, 2009

(The curve of the arch frames and gives perspective to the grinding wheels in Croatia.)


Exhibited in the Warren County
Festival of the Arts, Lebanon,
Ohio, 2009

(Photograph a great  panorama in a Sampan in Bangkok and you get "Sampan-orama")

"Structure of Ages"

Exhibited in the Warren County
Festival of the Arts, Lebanon,
Ohio, 2009

(The ingenuity of these Asian builders using many types of material to produce a useful structure for many years.)


 "Lines and Curves"

Exhibited in the Warren County
Festival of the Arts, Lebanon,
Ohio, 2009

(The simplicity of linear architecture and reflected curvilinear images of architecture present an organized yet unreal scene in Chicago.)

"More than 4 Shoppers"

Exhibited in the Warren County
Festival of the Arts, Lebanon,
Ohio, 2009

(Four shoppers passing by in Greece seem to be joined by the mannequins who are also standing as part of the shopping process.)


"Dalian Delight"

Exhibited in the Warren County
Festival of the Arts, Lebanon,
Ohio, 2009

(A variety of  amazing architecture in China points to the sky and protects the earth with its domes.) 
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